How to Stop Rapid Ejaculation

Making sex last longer is something that most men want to achieve. The trouble is over 40% of guys suffer with rapid ejaculation, which basically means they can't last long enough to pleasure a woman properly.
This article contains two proven ways to have longer lasting sex.

1. The best way to stop rapid ejaculation is to forget about it. Half the problem is that it can take over your brain and all you can think about before and during sex is how long before you start ejaculating. What you should do is relax and empty your mind before sex and put all your thoughts into making your woman happy. So next time try giving her oral until she is almost at the point of climax before you enter her. This will help you stop rapid ejaculation by taking your mind off your problems.

2. Some men say that the reason they can't have longer lasting sex is because of their hyper sensitive penis. Well this is easily solved by masturbating 10 minutes before making love. This will leave your penis numb and help you last longer. If possible try to do it twice for even better results. If this doesn't add much time then try a desensitising cream or spray to numb you even more.

There are a lot of other ways to stop rapid ejaculation but the tips above can give you longer lasting sex in no time. Rest assured there will be a technique out there that will work for you.

How to Treat Rapid Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation affects about 30-40% of men and is believed to be the most common male sexual dysfunction. The good news however is that in spite of its prevalence, there are several treatments available for men who suffer from rapid ejaculation.

Among the many therapies recommended for premature ejaculation, the "stop-start" technique is considered to be an effective option because it enables the man to learn control. Usually, the premature release of sperm is said to result from the inability of the man to control his arousal level. By using the stop-start technique, he becomes more aware of his sexual arousal level and he can immediately pause all sexual stimulation in order to delay ejaculation.

This technique coupled with some psychotherapy has been proven to help more men deal with this problem. Psychotherapy sessions work better when the man's sexual partner is involved in the sessions, and participates in unraveling some of the underlying reasons for the man's rapid ejaculation. This method works well with men (and women) who are committed to find solutions to rapid ejaculation on a long term basis.
Often, it is fear or embarrassment that prevents a man suffering from premature ejaculation to seek help. In a study conducted by an Australian firm, it was found out that 70% of men who suffers from sexual dysfunctions refuse to seek professional help for their condition because of embarrassment.

 64% of the men surveyed said that they waited for years before they were able to admit the problem and seek help, while 82% of the same group said that they were unaware that premature ejaculation can be treated.

Early detection of the problem is important. It will save a man from suffering unnecessary anxiety over his sexual performance. Relationships have been known to break up because of sexual problems that affect other areas of the couple's life.

If you are suffering from rapid ejaculation, do not hesitate to seek professional help to address the problem earlier. Overcome the embarrassment and do not think that the condition is hopeless, because it is not.

Herbal Supplement to Treat Rapid Ejaculation Naturally

Rapid climax is the state when a man ejaculates prior to his own or his partner expectation. This condition is also known by the names - involuntary ejaculation, rapid climax, early ejaculation or premature climax. Most men usually experience this problem at least once in their life. At some times due to rapid climax, the sexual life of both the partners turns bitter.

This problem is largely affected by various psychological factors. So a common cure could not be suggested for this. The cause of rapid climax varies from individual to individual. The cause may be psychological disorders such as anxiety, fear, stress, depression etc., or it may be physical such as neurological disorders. With a right approach it may be controlled and treated.

You can deal the neurological or physical problem with simple exercises or medication. It is significant for couples to plan better for their session so that emotional intimacy in intercourse may be elaborated. To combat with rapid climax it is necessary to have emotional connectivity and better communication within the partners. Certain exercises and medication are fond very effective.

For rapid ejaculation treatment herbal supplements are found highly effective and safe. One of the herbal supplements which are very helpful in treating rapid ejaculation is Butea Superba Capsules. Though there are plenty of drugs available in the market but they are not very appealing as these medications have several adverse side effects. Even they don't result into any remarkable effect. Creams and gels are also available for treating this problem. Some exercises are found effective in treating rapid climax.

The best natural solution for dealing with rapid ejaculation is to take the help of herbal Butea Superba Capsule. It is a powerful blend of botanicals and nutrients which are highly effective and boost men's inner strength. It is very effective if taken consistently for 3-4 months. The key ingredient of this herbal male enhancement pill is a Thai herb, Butea Superba. This herb along with other tropical botanicals enhances the male endurance and eradicates the problems such as rapid climax, low libido and weak erection. There is no adverse side effect of this herbal supplement and works for most of the men.

By taking Butea Superba Capsule, you will find improved lovemaking abilities and betterment in the overall male health. Any person suffering from rapid climax can be fully benefited by taking Butea Superba Capsule consistently for at least 3-4 months. For maximum result it should not be discontinued. It is a natural way to deal with premature climax.

Butea Superba Capsule helps to delay ejaculation and last longer in the bed. It has the power to boost fertility and increases the sexual endurance. With the help of Butea Superba Capsule you can now lead a healthy and happier love life with your partner.

Natural Cure For Premature Ejaculation

After spending much time and effort in finding and researching on the subject of natural cure for premature ejaculation, I have finally found it. The program is perfectly safe and natural, NO creams, potions, pills or gimmicks of any kind are required. In this article, I will share with you some of the benefits of using the natural solution that I value most.

But before that, let's me share with you why using creams or taking pills don't work....
Premature ejaculation creams work by making the penis to become less sensitive (hence also known as Desensitizing creams). It does work when you use it but I really hate it because it takes away your sexual pleasure. It makes your thing becomes numb and the worst part is that the cream will get on your partner too, causing her to lose sexual sensitivity as well. So it not only ruins your sexual pleasure but your partner's as well, that's why I hate using creams!

Remember that desensitizing creams, sprays or other gimmicks are just a quick fix solution that will never stop PE for good!

Another quick fix solution that will NEVER work is premature ejaculation pills. These are simply scam and should be avoided. Beware of those PE pills that use a lot of exaggerated claims and fake testimonials. There is no such thing as a pill that can make you last longer in bed. So if someone offers you the magic pill to end PE, don't walk away - RUN!

I know these things don't work because I have tried them. So please don't waste your hard earned money on these stuffs!

What surprises me the most in my quest of searching for the solution is that.... PE cure is NOT through money, creams or some sorts of magic pills. It simply requires you to learn the skills of ejaculatory control and then put the skills into practice for 1-8 weeks. Yes, it does involve some time and effort on a daily basis but the natural cure for premature ejaculation is 100% safe and the results will be permanent!

From the natural cure for premature ejaculation book that I read, I simply need to follow and apply some specific techniques to re-train or re-calibrate the ejaculatory reflex for strengthening my ejaculation control. Many other methods I tried in the past taught the wrong way to re-train the ejaculatory reflex and hence did nothing to permanently solve the problem.

Besides safety and long-term permanent solution, one of the biggest benefits I get from using the natural methods to end premature ejaculation is that it does NOT take away the pleasures and sensations of sex. In fact, it helps me to improve my communication and relationship with my partner. This is the thing that I value the most.

If you are looking for a quick fix or band-aid or something that only works occasionally to solve your PE problem, then go for those creams, lotions and pills. On the other hand, if you're looking for a long-term permanent solution, safety and improved relationship, then I suggest you go for the natural cure for premature ejaculation. Take your time to learn the skills and techniques and remember to always communicate the progress with your partner.

How to End Premature Ejaculation Permanently

Premature ejaculation means that a man ejaculates too fast, sometimes even before penetration takes place and thus he is incapable of having normal lovemaking. Although it is not dangerous in any way, premature ejaculation generates a lot of frustration and can bring serious trouble in a relationship. The good news is that PE does not imply the end of a normal sex life. It is entirely treatable and it can be ended in a safe manner using herbal supplements.

It is very important to figure out the root causes of PE and to eliminate them. This is exactly what herbal supplements do. They end the primary cause of your problem and help you put it behind you, just like you would with an unpleasant happening. Herbal supplements for ending premature ejaculation are usually made out of one or more herbs that help your body get back to normal by increasing testosterone level, improving blood circulation and giving you a boost of energy.

NF Cure capsules are especially designed for solving the problem of premature ejaculation. They are entirely natural and their compounds act at numerous levels for ending premature ejaculation. It is important to stimulate both your body and brain for having a satisfying sex life. Your state of mind is important because it can really influence the way you act in bed. Besides this, NF Cure capsules bring you some extra energy, so that you never feel too tired. They also reestablish hormonal balance in your body, improve blood flow and strengthen the muscles that are most used when having sex. You will soon notice that lovemaking will become more enjoyable and that you will be able to last enough for making you and your partner happy.

When attempting to end premature ejaculation using herbal supplements also keep in mind that a healthy lifestyle and a positive state of mind are crucial. Men having the entire support of their partner and involved in an honest and fulfilling relationship find it easier to put PE behind them. Communication with your partner and understanding from her side can do wonders. Also make sure that you eat properly and your body has all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Zinc plays an important part in sexual performance, so don't avoid foods containing it, like oysters. Try to eliminate stress from your life as much as possible and get at least eight hours of sleep at night.
Read more about Premature Ejaculation Treatment. Also know about Premature Ejaculation Cure.

Ending the Misery of Premature Ejaculation

To end premature ejaculation means to finally put a stop to what men commonly experience as early orgasm or advanced ejaculation. There is actually a huge percentage of the male population that experiences and suffers from such condition of early ejaculation; however, not too many of them are aware that there are actually so many treatment options and techniques that they may get hold of in order to do away with such predicament. If you are one of those men who continuously find themselves having to put up and endure with their dilemma of early ejaculation, then this article is definitely for you. Here are several others of the things you should know regarding the condition of premature orgasm:

1.See Your Doctor For Diagnosis: If you find yourself suffering from the signs and symptoms of early or delayed ejaculation, immediately go see your doctor for a diagnosis. Whether you like it or not, only the doctor can tell you the best possible solution to your ordeal of ejaculating so prematurely. One sad thing about this condition is that, aside from the fact that the guy loses his self-esteem, especially when it comes to his sexual capabilities, there is also the tendency that the relationship will get shattered. That is why it all the more becomes the reason why men need to end premature ejaculation at once.

2.Understand The Basic Triggering Factors Of Premature Ejaculation: What is more, since it is now a usual problem, frequently experienced by men of almost all ages, it is very important that you should understand the possible underlying causes of this sexual predicament in men. But then again, before any man could ever find the most effective solutions to this problem of premature ejaculation, he should first recognize that he actually is suffering from such problem. In doing so, he will be able to see things in a very objective manner; and therefore, it is most certain that he will be able to find the most fitting solution to his problem of premature orgasm.

3.Take Responsibility For Your Loved One: In the same manner that men should admit to the fact that you have this predicament of leaving your partners in bed hanging due to such premature ejaculation, you should also be responsible enough to find the proper cures to your condition of premature ejaculation. Keep in mind that in not doing so; you will most likely be led to new other damages not only in the aspect of self-confidence, but most importantly in your personality as well as your relationship with your partner.
Truly, to ensure that you will in the end, be able to end premature ejaculation, what you should do is first, look out for the most efficient and successful techniques that will finally make saying goodbye to premature ejaculation possible. After which, you should ask your doctor for some advice if your chosen alternative treatments are truly the ones most appropriate for you. In other words, the solutions you have hand-picked should truly make sure that you will be liberated from such dilemma of premature ejaculation.
If you are a guy who is having ejaculation problems, then End Premature Ejaculation can help. Read Ejaculation Master and be informed right away. Don't make things so complicated. Click HERE for more info!